Passion for the Mission

Posted February 6, 2025
Our 2024 camp theme t-shirt!

Our event season just launched with Quest: Pursuing God as Fathers and Sons, pointing both us and our guests to find refuge in God. It was a poignant reminder of why Maranatha exists.

One of the reasons we choose a Scriptural theme each year is because of our gospel-centered value. We believe that the gospel isn’t just for unbelievers. God changes believers as we daily recenter our lives around the life-giving story of the gospel–the atoning work of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit to fight our sin today, and our future hope as we take refuge in a God who is saving a people for Himself. It’s this very truth that we need to return to again and again, and where we aim to focus each event.

The gospel reminds us that history is going somewhere and God works through the church to accomplish His mission! We get to be part of His great story. Maranatha is here to come alongside families and churches through events where people can encounter Jesus and then return home eager to invest spiritually in their families and churches, living with the hope of the gospel at the forefront of their minds.

We want to reach more families in 2025 because we’re passionate about our mission. And because we want as many people as possible to experience transformation, we carefully steward finances to keep our events within reach of the everyday family.

Currently we have 86 monthly financial partners giving anywhere from $10-250/month. This year, we’re praying that God would increase that number to 110 financial partners to keep up with our growth and expenses (24 new families/individuals!).

This is a huge ask, so would you pray with us for God’s provision and ask if God might be leading you to become a monthly financial partner with Camp Maranatha?


Partner with us


  • That God works through His flawed people to accomplish His Kingdom purposes
  • For the hope we can find in the gospel today and the future hope ahead
  • God answering prayer: about 40% of the fathers and sons at Quest were NEW!


  • Increased effectiveness in our reach and mission
  • Event guests to find their refuge in God as we study Psalm 62
  • Provision of 24 new monthly financial partners, totaling 110
  • Staff and volunteers to find refuge in God while planning and serving